Categories for Blog

TAG and the 2020 Election

March 30, 2021 10:07 pm Published by

Bexar County had a challenge faced by so many election officials across the country: how to communicate pandemic safe voting options for residents. Given the opportunity to serve as their agency for this effort, our team dove in with research, buying power, and creative.


March 1, 2021 4:32 pm Published by

Here's the story of the multi-million dollar, seven-day-concept-to-launch, three-week-long campaign, filled with shifting deadlines, political sensitivities, and a mission that was critical to every single person in Texas.


The ditch, the hole, and the tunnel

April 13, 2020 10:13 pm Published by

History has taught us that in the aggregate, crisis situations, no matter their length, are tunnels. They may be long and pitch black, but there is an end to it, where light and recovery beckon. Industries are reshaped, cultures adjust, economies lurch forward. Leaders who communicate to their teams that their current crisis is a tunnel will keep and build the long term trust of their people and community.


The Power of a Walk

April 3, 2020 6:58 pm Published by

We’ve started taking an evening walk. Just a half-mile circuit around the neighborhood. We do it after dinner, and it is a nice time to get some fresh air and connect with each other

Boy and Microphone

The Sound of TAG

April 1, 2020 6:38 pm Published by

We can pretty much guarantee that this is the most eclectic playlist you might ever find, spanning from boy bands to classical, grunge to hip hop, and everywhere in between.

Announcing the Evolution of The Atkins Group

February 17, 2020 9:23 pm Published by

We decided to establish a Seamless Fusion Model. In 2019 we began investing much more in two key components: Predictive analytics that would draw insights from both client and proprietary databases to derive intelligence, and an external digital/programmatic buying group that would be big enough to buy direct for our clients as well as other mid-range independent clients.


Why World Domination Starts with your Brand

October 23, 2019 10:02 pm Published by

Some business leaders understand that brand equals identity. That’s good. But clients still seem to lack a deep understanding of what brand and identity encompass and that their importance goes far beyond logos and pretty pictures and fluffy words.